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Aug 04, 2008



Oh my word. They are so clever - I am in love.

Melissa de la Fuente

Beautiful! I particularly love the cups and the fun in the very last photo! Really wonderful!

cindy k

i just received an email from see jane work completely dedicated to you! cool!


Thanks for telling me Cindy! I've been on their roster for about 3 weeks now-- they had mentioned sending out a newsletter feature-- but I wasn't sure if it was going this week!

They are very supportive, and have done so much to promote my product within their shop. I've so enjoyed working with them and I'm really honored to be among the brands they sell..I've been such a longtime fan it's weird to see my own items on the site! (but i'll get used to it) ; )


cindy k

it's so great - i love your work!

Alli Coate

Geez, what courage to hang those teacups like that! Beautiful.


you're totally right alli...I never thought of that...but the precarious hanging really accentuates the delicacy of the teacups! : )


love it!!! esp. the mini guys / candy shots! and i think i might need to try the bed beads too! ^_^

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