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Oct 31, 2008



unable to decide which one would be my fave!!!they're all so pretty. have a happy weekend :)


Love getting your updates in my mail box. These pictures are so inspiring.
How did you add the little tag on each? Love it!


Hello! Thanks so much : ) shill, i hope yours is great too! so far so good...

Pam, Thank you so much. I"m glad the feed is coming through...sometimes I wonder if the emails make it!! : )

I made the tags in photoshop (I am hoping to embellish my posts a little more and this was a start!) xo! s


Amazing pics... thanks for sharing!!

melissa de la Fuente

Ahh....gorgeous, gorgeous....these ladies are so very inspirational and I am so happy to see them featured here. I love every single one and their beautiful images make me so happy.
Thank you Sus!


I'm glad you like! Yes...each of these artists is so incredible...what talent!

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