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Aug 27, 2009


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You are just a genius my friend....that is all. A genius I tell you! From your work to your words....I stand in admiration. And it makes my day! :)
oh, and now I have a new fave to buy for Joel for our next special occasion! Thanks!


I enjoy your sense of humour!


thanks Janine! every now and then, the ol' sense of humour gets to make an appearance!...I was seriously *so* excited about Smythson that I almost had to take a pill.


start saving now...cos' they are prrrrr-icey! but worth it? probably. i am torn between paying for my health insurance and purchasing a refill. haha

bonbon oiseau

these are nice and all buyt susy jack is better. don;t tell mr fancypants i said so...

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